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Testimonies from the mission field

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.
Revelation chapter 12 verse 11

Welcome to the testimony page of Makarios Blessing.


Below can be found real life stories of people who have encountered Jesus

in a supernatural way on the mission field

You can also click on a link that will take you to my own personal testimony site

entitled 'Darkness to Light' where you can read my own story.

Steve & Jane: God provides first convert before we even started 'ministry'

Jane was in the mall recently on her way to a particular beauty salon when she ended up 'diverted' to another one where she got talking to one of the ladies that worked there.

Long story short, we were both there today and Jane got talking to this same lady she met who was now doing Janes' finger nails. All of a sudden the Holy Spirit was all over this salon worker and, in her own words, "As you were talking about Jesus, all the hairs on my arms stood on end"

Within minutes of hearing the gospel she wanted to give her life to Jesus and it was my privilege to lead her in a prayer of repentance and faith in Christ right there and then.

We really hadn't planned this. God just set up the meeting. A gospel conversation just ensued so naturally and the anointing came so powerfully.

Glory to God. What a wonderful surprise and cause for celebration.

Elderly Woman in Mombasa slums

 During the 2011 mission I went with pastor Benjamin Matheka to one of the slum areas of Mombasa visiting various people on a door to door. There we entered into the home of a fairly elderly woman. Not only did we have the privilege of leading her child to the Lord we also had the opportunity to pray for the woman's healing. She described how she had suffered from joint pain and stiffness for a decade. {I assume it was some form of arthritis setting in}. Anyway, we prayed for her and the Lord healed her completely. She was so adamant about making sure she was properly healed that she did several exercises in front of us to make absolutely sure all pain and other symptoms had gone. She was completely free from pain and stiffness for the first time in ten years. It turned out that she attended a church called 'The Door' in Mombasa. I am very familiar with that organisation. I was part of a church that was part of the same fellowship for nearly ten years before I parted company with them. {They tend to view those who leave rather negatively} It was wonderful to see how God was no respecter of persons and I believe it was a divine encounter and affirmation that the favour of God was with me regardless of which organisational banner I went under. Praise be to God!

Steve Johnson sharing his story with another congregation

God removes the reproach of a barren woman 

In the Nairobi area in 2008 we were going from dwelling to dwelling praying for those connected with the church when we entered the home of one particular woman. When I asked if there was any need we could pray for she told us that she was childless. With visible emotional pain on her face she told us how she had been married for some time but had no child. Local people were speaking of her and people looked down on her for it. She was very upset. As I prayed I was quite stirred in my Spirit and I recall praying something along the lines of 'Lord bless her with children, Lord more than one!'. During my next visit to Nairobi I was in the church of pastor Simon Arunga when he asked me if I recognised a certain woman. Standing there in the congregation was a woman holding twins. This was the woman I prayed for and God had taken away her reproach and blessed her double...'more than one' Hallelujah!

Silver and gold have I none

 Nairobi Gospel Fire church 2010 and we are praying before an afternoon service and I am praying for God to bring people in when the Lord brings to my attention 5 men standing less than 50 yards down the road from the church. At first I ignored the prompting but feeling convicted about this I requested an interpreter and went out to invite them in. Upon talking to them I found out that they had no work and hadn't eaten in two days. {I had absolutely nothing to give them} They were hanging on the corner 'collecting taxes' from people returning from work. {another term for demanding money with menaces} Despite the fact they would lose income by coming into the church and that they were very hungry they came in and under the preaching of the word and the conviction of the Holy Spirit three of them gave their lives to Christ. We are sometimes told that you can't preach the gospel without meeting physical needs first {You can't preach the gospel to empty bellies}. As far as I'm concerned I've always been a little suspicious of this. It sounds like a compromise with a 'social gospel'. No that I'm against practical good works which are fully biblical by the way but when will we learn to trust God and just preach the gospel and 'expect' results? The word comes with power! Not the power of the works of man but divine quickening! 'Silver and gold have I none but in the name of Jesus...' These men now walk in newness of life! Hallelujah. God's hand is not shortened that it cannot save!

Sharing my own 'real life story'

with a congregation in Focsani, Romania.

Child healed of heart defect 

During the 2010 mission week in Mombasa we also visited a widows and orphans camp. There was an overwhelming response to the call for prayer. Despite this a girl {about 10 years old} was brought to us and I was told she was diagnosed with a serious heart defect. She could not run around with the other children for fear of collapsing. The minister I was working with informed me that God had shown him that this girl would be miraculously healed so we prayed for her. When I returned to England I received an email confirmation that she had undergone a medical examination which showed that the heart problem that has previously been there was nowhere to be found. A truly wonderful miracle.

The blood of Jesus breaks the yoke of bondage 

In the village of Lumboka in the Bungoma region I preached a message I believe the Lord gave me. With particular emphasis at the end I told the congregation that the blood of Jesus not only washes away all sin but also breaks the yoke of bondage. A woman came forward at the end for prayer carrying her small child. Both had the same medical complaint. As I prayed the Lord told me to stop and to deal with the spiritual cause of the problem. That moment the man who was ministering with me told me God had said this very thing to him. The moment we began to pray against demonic strongholds she began to manifest a demon spirit and writhed around on the floor. We prayed until the Spirit came out of her. The woman and child are completely healed. The blood of Jesus is still breaking the yoke of bondage, Amen!

Click on the picture below to go to Steve's

very own 'real life story' site

and read his remarkable salvation testimony.

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