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Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Go, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

World Missions

Steve preaching in an open air crusade in Obama district, Nairobi

A wonderful time in the open air crusades in the Obama district of Nairobi in 2016. 

Several people came to Christ and numerous miraculous healings were experienced as God's tangible presence was there to change lives.

Since 2009 I have been able to preach the gospel in places such as Romania, South Sudan, Northern Ireland, Uganda and across Kenya including Mombasa, Nairobi, Eldoret, Kisumu and Bungoma along with many rural locations. 


The missions have included revival meetings, open air crusades & door to door evangelism. 

In that time of short term mission outreaches worldwide, over 1,100 people have made a profession of faith in Christ with over 700 professions of miraculous healing and numerous cases of deliverance from the power of demons, demonstrating that Jesus Christ really is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Bwana Asifiwe! {Praise the Lord}


Since that first, eventful, trip into Kenya in 2008 we have seen God do so much in East Africa. We have witnessed many come to salvation, a multitude of miraculous healings and much, much more. I have also established connections in Mombasa, Nairobi, Bungoma & Jinja in Uganda. God has taken me so so many places in the region.

As well as the above I have had the opportunity to minister in Eldoret and Kisumu in Kenya and in Juba, South Sudan.


Over the course of several mission trips covering approximately 30 weeks, sometimes alone and sometimes with a team, we have seen an estimated total of 1,100 people make a decision to repent of their sins and pledge to trust and follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour. We have seen several hundred miracles of healing including heart defects disappear, blind eyes and deaf ears opened & babies in the process of dying of malaria completely healed. We have seen Muslims commit their lives to Christ {sometimes by the dozen} and we've seen numerous people delivered of demon possession.


It is with great pleasure that I can now announce that I am relocating to the Philippines from 2025 to be a full time missionary. I will be assisting in evangelistic outreaches and working with a new church plant as well as working with like minded ministers and churches all across the islands.

Coming soon - Testimonies from the mission field

Upload mission reports in pdf

Read the latest report here

Mombasa 2018 Mission

Nairobi 2016

Uganda 2014

East Africa 2013

Mombasa 2011

Kenya Mission 2010

Kenya Mission 2008

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